My qualifications

  • I am a DECA Competitor!

    I LOVE the DECA glass! Last year, I competed in the Principles of Finance category and I placed fifth at the Florida CDC tournament! I am excited to compete in the future and see as many Florida DECA students as possible on the ICDC stage!

  • I love my community!

    Throughout the years, I have worked with numerous non-profit organizations in an effort to benefit those around me. I have previously worked with the non-profit organization, Clubs2Kids, an organization designed to introduce young children to the sport of golf, as the Community Outreach Director and an Instructor. I also work as the secretary for my school’s Chemistry Adventures club, a program created to work with outside non-profit organizations on showing children in Mexico the magic of chemistry!

  • I Am A Strong Leader!

    I currently work as the Co-Vice President of my school’s Key Club chapter. Not only have I learned how to command a room, but I have also learned the importance of listening to others and the need for teamwork in order to succeed. I worked on projects with numerous outside organizations including Adopt-A-Family and The Forgotten Soldier Project!